Turbo Tax
Turbo Tax
Publish Date:
February 10, 2019
United States tax preparation software TurboTax Online has reportedly
partnered with CoinsTax, LLC to offer cryptocurrency tax calculation to
its services, a press release reveals Monday, Feb. 4.
As the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has just opened tax return
filing, TurboTax is launching a new section for crypto taxation. The new
service will be available for those who purchased 2018 premier and
above versions.
The service will allow users to import trading data directly from major
exchanges, such as Coinbase, Gemini, and Poloniex. Once calculated,
capitals gains and income reports can be downloaded or uploaded directly
into Form 1040 Schedule D.
CoinsTax owns Bitcoin Tax — an application that allows users to
calculate capital gains and losses for Bitcoin (BTC), which will provide
the necessary infrastructure to TurboTax. CEO of CoinsTax Colin Mackie
believes that the new section will make filing crypto taxes much easier
and save customers a lot of time.
Cointelegraph reached out to TurboTax’s representatives, but the company
was not immediately available for comment.
In November 2018, Ohio became the first U.S. state to allow residents to
pay taxes using Bitcoin. In late January, Coinbase added educational
resources about crypto taxation for customers in the U.S., including the
aforementioned integration with TurboTax.
In October 2018, an advisory committee to the IRS urged the agency to
provide additional guidelines for the taxation of crypto transactions.
As explained by the committee, the commentary issued by the IRS back in
2014 is outdated in many respects, as it recommends treating
cryptocurrencies as property.